Thursday, June 9, 2011

Camping..Or Maybe Not

The weather has been so not normal for Vegas, it's been almost on the pleasant side, and that's saying a lot for the start of June in this town. I am not sure if it was this unique weather or just the need to start our summer a little early, but we planned an impromptu camping trip this past weekend. We had grand ideas of spending time outdoors, enjoying the beautiful weather, hiking, cooking in the Dutch oven, and just being unplugged for awhile. At first we were going to go over to Bryce Canyon, but we got out of town later than we wanted on Friday Afternoon and decided we needed to head somewhere closer, so we opted for Cedar Mountain. And it was beautiful, but as you can see, maybe not quite ready for camping!

It might go without saying, but we turned around and went back down into Cedar City and found a hotel. Lincoln was a little confused at first, and kept asking where the camping was. But once we ran by Walmart and picked up a swimsuit and some floaties, he pretty much was in love with the "o"tel. (He keeps asking when we get to go back!)