Sunday, February 20, 2011


Man, it has been awhile. Every time I have thought about sitting down to update the world (because I know all of you out there having been chomping at the bit, to find out) on how the LeFevre's are doing, something else manages to get in the way. Then I tell myself I need to wait, until I can go back and get caught up on the happenings in our family, but I can see that is never going to happen. So lets do a quick rewind. Summer was great, school started back up, and we had a great Christmas! There you go, now you are all caught up!

I just deleted an entire paragraph, feeling as though it was too negative. Life is good, just tougher right now. I think I need a nap.


Lorina LeFevre said...

I'm glad you are back on board. Love you!!

Ann said...

Yes, Stace. We HAVE been chomping at the bit. And we're still chomping at the bit--for pictures. Hook us up, man. (I would imagine life HAS been a bit rough for your family lately. Hopefully a wonderful rest of the year is on the horizon.)

Kristin said...

I feel for you and Justin