Saturday, August 16, 2008

Finally Done

Well, I did it. I was finally able to finish the book Breaking Dawn. I know that many of you are wondering what took me so long! (This book came out on Aug. 2) Especially considering I tend to read a book in less than a day.
My first excuse is that I did not even own the book until Wednesday. Plus the Olympics started so those have taken quite a bit of my focus. Rounding those out with the fact I have been back to work full time and I still have a very rambunctious one year old who desires your full time attention, it has been hard to fit it in.
If you have not heard of this book or the Twilight series that it is a part of you are missing out. Stephenie Meyer is the author and her books have been quite good. I am sure if you have not read them but have heard what the topic of these books are (Vampires) you might be a little put off. But trust me when I say you need to give them a try. They really are an entertaining read!
It's always a little sad when I finish a good book because then I know I don't have anything to look forward to. But no worries, I can usually find another one to immerse myself in! If anyone has a book they really think is a must read let me know!


Michelle Price said...

Hey Stacy! Glad you found my blog! You sound like me--still having Christmas letters in a pile somewhere in August. Looks like you have the whole family one here. I must be out of the loop! It's good to see what you guys are up to. Hopefully we'll see you again soon. I haven't seen your little guy since he was just tiny!

Michelle Price said...

BTW, I just finished Breaking Dawn also. I didn't like this one as much as the others. Now I need another good book, too, so you'll have to let me know if you find one.

Lisa and Bill said...

I just read the first book after many, many people telling me I needed to. I really did enjoy it and am now on the 2nd one. The first one I read so quickly because I was in a car for 14 hours there & back from Utah. The other one is going to take awhile to get through.

Larissa said...

Hi! I'm glad you're a blogger! I've had an old email address for you for a long time so I'm glad to know you have a blog now so I can see what's going on and your cute Lincoln!
I agree with you - books are harder to finish w/ little ones around, Olympics, etc. When I get into a book, I usually get behind in lots of other things!
Good hearing from you.

Lorina LeFevre said...

I keep meaning to ask you if you have read it yet. Well now that you've read it, did you like it? Everybody I've talked to so far has a different opinion. I liked it pretty well. I was suprised twice and I like that. It seems to me she left it wide open for more books, we'll see. Anybody I've every given Twilight to just falls in love with the whole series.