Saturday, January 31, 2009

A New Hiking Adventure!

We finally took the kids to a different hiking spot today. It is still in the Redrock Loop and it is one Rachel and I have done in the past. (Although it has been awhile, but let's not talk about that!) Instead of our trusty stand-by we headed out to Ice Box Canyon. The entire hike is quite a bit longer than the Children's Trail so we knew off the bat we would most likely not make it to the end. Plus Rachel had not brought any coats for the kids and it did not get it's name for nothing!
Overall, I think the hike went quite well. I did end up carrying Lincoln most of the time, as this hike is much rockier and not as well worn. My arms were definitely a little tired by the time we were back at the car. I would love to be able to find a backpack for Lincoln, but I don;t want to pay for one when I know he won't need to be in it for very much longer! For now I guess I will just continue to get my exercise!

1 comment:

Monique said...

Stacy, Kelty makes a great backpack that carries a child up to 40lbs. I just got one for Jared so we can do hikes as a family. If you want to give me a call and come check it out.