Sunday, April 4, 2010

An "Eggstra" Special Day

What's better then an easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday? How about two Easter egg hunts! That's right, Lincoln got a chance to participate in two easter egg hunts today. One at GrandNana's with the Cousins, and one at Aunt Dawna's. He had such a good time "founding" his eggs! The Easter Bunny aka. Justin and John came to Nana's house during conference, and hid all 10 dozen eggs. The front yard was deemed the easy hunt for the little kids, and the backyard area was for the big kids. And even though there were almost 5 dozen eggs out in the back, you could not see one when you scanned the yard! But between the two areas, we only came up one egg short! I don't think there is another time we have only been one short, usually we are missing multiple eggs! :0)

After our yummy breakfast and egg hunt at Nan's we headed out to Henderson to Aunt Dawna's house. Lincoln loves them and their back yard, tons of places to explore. And as we found out tons of places to hide eggs. (Between me and you, I think we had a harder time finding those 36 eggs than all 10 dozen of the other ones! Aunt Tina knows how to hide those eggs!!) But Lincoln had a great time finding them!

My Mom made some cute ties for the boys and what I am sure will be awesome dresses for the girls. (She ran a little short on time, so wasn't able to get all four dresses done.) Here are all 6 kids after the Egg Hunt!

Check out Lincoln- he was a star Easter Egg hunter!!

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