Monday, May 17, 2010

You have a what for me??

You know how sometimes you figure that having two callings is pretty safe. You figure there isn't much else they could ask you to do. Heck, you don't really feel like you are living up to your potential in the callings you have. And then as you are already rushing to a meeting that starts in 5 minutes you miss a text from a member of the Stake Presidency, asking if they can meet with your and your husband right after said meeting. And since you don't respond he tracks you down at said meeting to see what can be worked out. You think nothing of it really until you truly read the text and see that they want to extend a calling to you. at first you think they must mean your husband is getting a new calling, but then you read it again and realize it is you they want to extend a calling to. But you still don't really think much about it because you already have a stake calling as an Assistant Stake Camp director. You try to call your husband to see if he can run down, but there is no answer. And the meeting has already started so you need to focus on that, and by the time he responds it has already been decided that the counselor in the stake presidency will just come to your house instead. So you drive like a mad woman to drop off a computer you had to coax back to life to your father and then still arrive before your preisthood leaders. So spend a good 15 minutes wondering what in the world is going on, only to have an epiphany as soon as you see who arrives with the counselor. And when they ask you to be the secretary in the new Stake Young Women's Presidency you are speechless but not completely surprised. And after some one sided conversation in your head as you move through all the reasons why you are not cut out to accept this calling, you accept it anyway. And then you are not allowed to tell anyone until Stake Conference that the call has been extended, so they are all about as shocked as you were when your name is called in Conference. Well, if you have ever had this happen then you know how I feel right now! Totally and completely overwhelmed and underqualified for such a position. And the crazy thing is I wasn't released from either of my other two callings :) So if I thought I was busy before, I guess I haven't seen anything yet!!


Lisa and Bill said...

Love it , Stacy! I know how you feel! You are qualified & then some! You are an amazing woman & don't forget it! Have fun with your Stake calling & enjoy being with the great ladies you are serving with. I miss it already!

Allison Juarez said...

I know what you mean. I was just called to be the ward ORGANIST! I don't even know how to play the organ. Bishop's response was "that's ok, there's a training tomorrow you get to go to." So I am off on a new adventure as well. :)

Lorina LeFevre said...

Those around you are figuring out how wonderful you are and want you on their team. Who could blame them?!