Friday, May 4, 2012

My First 5K

Okay, it's not my official first 5K. I have already participated in quite a few over the years, but this is my first official 5K in which I will be running. Okay, well maybe running is a strong term, it will be more like a slow jog.
I have been "training" for about 3 months, using the Couch to 5k program on my phone. And so far I am still not a fan. Don't get me wrong the APP is great, the running is the problem. People say you eventually get to really like the rush, or how you feel when you are done. But so far that hasn't been the case with me, I still don't enjoy running!
But I am determined to not let it beat me. So I signed up for the race and have set some goals for myself. For anyone who runs, these goals are going to seem pretty lame I am sure, but I am hoping to run/jog the whole thing and finish in less than 45 minutes. I am a little worried about it, since I have been training on my treadmill, and the race will be outside. I hear running outside is a lot different that on a treadmill, so hopefully I can make the transition. I guess we will see :0) Wish me luck!!

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