Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Race

I did it! I ran my first 5K! And I met one of my two goals- I came in under 45 minutes, (I just logged in for my official time. It was 37:31) but I did walk at one point after getting some water. It was in a cup and I couldn't figure out how to drink it while running :0) and I was thirsty so needed some hydration. (It was hot and windy out yesterday morning.)

So overall I am happy with my results. My time was faster than any time I had recorded at my own home, so I was pleasantly surprised. Running or in my case jogging outside is definitely different, but I think I enjoyed it overall. 

I need to figure out what's next to keep myself motivated.  There is a 5K in June, but that just sounds hot ;) and there is one next Saturday, but that just sounds like a bad idea! I think I need a little more time in between races!


Ann said...

Stace!!!!! I'm so excited for you!! Way to go!!! I just wish I had been there to cheer you on. :) For some reason, watching others run in races--or running in races myself--always makes me feel emotional, grateful and inspired. We're so lucky to have legs that run at all...CONGRATULATIONS!

Lorina LeFevre said...

You did so great. I'm really proud of you, way to go get'em!!!