Friday, February 5, 2010

Where did January Go?

I can not believe it is February already! last month was super crazy! With two cousins getting married and all the activities surrounding those events, as well as receiving a new ward calling, working, making cake pops for said weddings, attending meetings for my stake and ward calling, and trying to fit some time in with family, January has slipped right through my fingers! Luckily amid the chaos that was January I managed to snap a few pics of my handsome little boy! I love his smile, which I can only get if I tell him to show me his teeth!

This is the only picture I have of the hundreds of cake pops I made last month! Literally, I made hundreds. Some for Kristin and some Kimmy! I think they were a hit, especially with Lincoln! Some of the finished pops never even made it to the wedding thanks to my little thief!

1 comment:

Allison Juarez said...

oh they were a hit! and ohhhhh so yummy. We only had a small basket left over after Kimmy's wedding, which We keeler/Juarezes ate up in a jiffy. In fact, since the cake didn't show up for 20 mins, we seriously thought that kim and david were going to have to feed each other cake pops. Thankyou for sacraficing some of your January to help us. We really appreciate it!