Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fire and Smoke

Well, I attempted to burn my house down today! I was working on dinner when the door bell rang. Justin answered it but then needed me to write a check out for our friend Melanie. So I turned on the burner for the carrots and went out to visit a little bit. As we were standing at the door I started to smell something burning. I ran back into the kitchen in time to see a pot holder fire gaining strength. There was quite a bit of smoke to go along with the flames too!! Luckily I was able to throw it into the sink and douse it with water so there was no lasting effects. I am short one hot pad now but at least all my cupboards are still in tact! I think the saying is true, kids do kill brain cells!!

1 comment:

Danalin said...

Glad it wasn't worse! Fires frighten me a lot.