Friday, September 19, 2008

TOFW: Time Out for Women

I spent the evening at Time Out for Women. A small conference put on by Deseret Book that caters to Women. I have to be honest that I really wasn't that excited to go. It was originally supposed to be in March, but it was postponed due to President Hinckleys funeral. And I did not know it was this weekend until Thursday evening. So I did not have much time to really gear myself up for the idea. And since weekends are really my only days I have to try and get everything done I wasn't excited about the idea of spending it in a meeting. Especially after spending all day at work today. I had much better ideas fr what I wanted to do. But since we had already bought the tickets, I did not feel like I should waste the ticket.
So I met up with Rachel, Melanie, and Chrissy for dinner and then headed over to Cashman Field. And I must admit I had a good time. Sometimes it is just nice to be spiritually fed. Hillary Weeks sang a variety of songs and we had a speaker named Elia Gourgouris. (More on him later) But my favorite part of the night was Jason Deere and the Nashville Tribute Band. They recently released a CD called, Joseph A Tribute to the Prophet as well as Trek: A Tribute to the Pioneers. And after hearing a quite a few of the songs I have decided I need to add them to my CD collection. I really enjoyed their music.

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