Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My First Tag

Well, I guess you aren't an official blogger until you get tagged! So here I go:

8 TV Shows I Like to Watch
1. Prison Break
3. Bones
4. The Unit
5. House
6. Numbers
7. King of Queens
8. Top Chef

8 Things That Happened Yesterday
1. I set up 50 computers in a lab to get it up and running for a training today.
2. Lincoln had his 15 month checkup at the doctor and he is above average all the way around!
3. Had Justin attempt to make dinner by following a recipe. He did fine except he followed the wrong recipe for the marinade! :) But it turned out just fine anyway!
4. Finally finished filing my piles in my office that I created at least 3 months ago!
5. Shredded files I pulled out of my filing cabinet that I had saved from 2004 after deciding there was not much use in a Power bill from that year! Other than to make me ill by seeing just how much the cost has increased over the past 4 years.
6. Stayed up too late trying to spend "quality" time with my spouse by watching the DVR episodes of Prison Break.
7. Washed and Folded Clothes! As if that is not an every day thing!
8. Took the garbage to the street and wondered just how a family of 3 can make such a large amount of trash.

8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Rosemarys
2. Sweet Tomatoes
3. AppleBees
4. Gandolfos (If I'm in Utah or Idaho)
5. Red Robin
6. Lone Star
7. Wendys
8. Jersey Mikes

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To
1. The Election being over!
2. My new campus being completely done and not having to look at boxes in my office every day!
3. Lincoln's first "official" word
4. Being able to take the child locks off everything!
5. Finishing Lincoln's room
6. Seeing how Lincoln reacts to Halloween!
7. Lincoln being allowed in to the Nursery!
8. All my days off in November!

8 Things On My Wish List
1. An organized pantry/Food Storage Area
2. To lose 20 pounds and get back on an exercise routine
3. To spend more time at home with my little boy.
4. To have more hours in the day.
5. To snap my fingers and have dinner ready! :)
6. Travel to China, Australia, Hawaii, Alaska, Samoa, Germany, and many more interesting places.
7. To stop worrying about how to make ends meet.
8. To find those friends who I have lost contact with over the years.

7 People I Tag
1. Lisa M.
2. Ann L.
3. Erin L.
4. Danalin F.
5. Sarah C.
6. Autumn L.
7. Brooke C.

1 comment:

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

Okay - many things in common! The Unit, King of Queens, Gandolfos! Nice!