Saturday, October 4, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

The Breast Cancer Awareness walk was today. This is the second year that I have participated and it was just as nice as last year. My school put together a team last year which is what introduced it to me. So when they created one again this year I figured I would join again. I asked Rachel adn my Mom if they wanted to participate also, but Rachel had a very busy Saturday this year so only my Mom was able to join me. But we had a good time. We really like the fact that it is so close to the house. And there seemed to be a lot more people this year than last. We did not see as many people there that we knew as last year. But we did run into my cousin Allison and her Family. Her two little boys are getting so big!

1 comment:

Lisa and Bill said...

That's cool you both went. I am such a loser & didn't go! Ugh! I feel bad, but there were other priorites that day. It sounds like it was fun! The Komen race will be here sooner than later and that one I will for sure do.

I bet you are having fun catching up on things while the boys are gone. Have fun!