Monday, July 7, 2008

Check Up!

Lincoln had his 12 month Well Check today. And he was fine until the shot! The poor guy got two shots in his arm, and he was not at all happy about it. (You can see his two band-aids in the picture- although by this time he has pretty much forgotten about it!) His stats are as follows: Height 31 inches, Weight 25 pounds. He has weighed 25 pounds since he was about 9 months old, so he has just gotten taller over the past few months.
Lincoln was actually supposed to get three shots today. But the Doctors office would not administer the Chicken pox vaccine because there is a shortage. Which I understand but what I was really perturbed about was the fact was they would not administer it to me because I have insurance. If I was on medicaid then I would be able to have my 1 year old son protected from chicken pox. But since I have my own insurance and pay taxes into the system that allows those without to get medical attention, I can not get the shot but I can surely pay for others to get it! How ridiculous is that!!

Today was also Aunt Christina's Birthday. We helped her celebrate by going out to dinner to the HushPuppy. A seafood restaurant that has all you can eat crab legs on Monday. (Christina's favorite!) Lincoln wasn't feeling to good, so he wasn't on his best behavior. Hopefully, they did not regret inviting us!! :)

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